Monday, February 3, 2020

Annotated Bibliography of The Company Vision and Superordinate Goals Essay

Annotated Bibliography of The Company Vision and Superordinate Goals - Essay Example Some organizations combine both perspectives, yet others focus on congruence between various aspects of an organization (, 2011). According to, nevertheless, the factor comes down to which issues to focus on that work best for an organization. Whereas a number of models of organizational success go in and out of fashion, one model that has persisted is the renowned McKinsey 7-S framework (, 2011). The framework was developed in the 80’s by Robert Waterman and Tom Peters. The basic principle of the model, by these two consultants, is that there are seven internal aspects of a company that should be aligned for the organization to be successful. The 7-S framework can be utilized in a wide variety of organizations and, in this case, the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command, where an alignment perspective is useful to an organization’s success. The 7-S framework will help an organization to improve on its performance. It will exami ne the effects of future modifications within a company. The 7-S framework will help companies align departments and processes during an acquisition or merger. Finally, the 7-S framework will help organizations determine how best to impose a proposed strategy (, 2011). According to, the McKinsey 7-S framework can be applied to elements of a project or team, as well. The alignment issues apply in a project or team, in spite of how an organization decides to define the scope of the area it studies. Some of the key elements of the McKinsey 7-S framework that could help organizations to be successful in their visions and superordinate goals include shared values, structure, skills, strategy, staff, style and systems. Shared values, according to should be the priority of any organization since the other six factors mainly are why the organization was created. Finally, the process of analyzing where a company is in terms of these elements is pricel ess (, 2011). Hence, by determining the ultimate state for each factor will easily help move a team or organization forward. (2011). Analyzing and improving organizational effectiveness-the 7-S model framework of McKinsey. Retrieved 28th August, 2012, from, According to, most individuals grew up only knowing the 4Ps framework of marketing which included elements such as place, price, product and promotion. Even though, the 4Ps model still works today, most developed economies have moved on to the improved 7-S framework (, 2011). praises the 7-S framework since it focuses more on service businesses when compared to the 4Ps model. Therefore, the 7-S framework is more of service marketing when compared to 4Ps model. also discusses the seven elements of the 7-S framework, but it separates them into two sections, soft elements and hard elements . The hard elements incorporate structure, strategy and systems, but the soft include skills, staff, style and shared values. Nevertheless, in combination, both hard and soft elements offer a successful framework for analyzing the team or organizat

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